There must be transparency and accountability, both of which are sadly lacking at this time. I must ensure that you are as well informed as possible, that you have as much opportunity to make comments and have your voice heard at every level of our city government. We need to support organizations that provide reliable health care and services to women and their families Id use remaining funds to support organizations focused on women: Planned Parenthood, the Rape Recovery Center, Geraldine E. King Womens Resource Center and others. Even before the 2020 riots, there were insufficient officers. They must return to the mission for which they were founded, which was to protect people and their property from violent criminals. The latter two steps will reduce calls to police, reduce fires and send a message to criminals that Salt Lake is no longer a good place to do business.. I believe that I can represent we the people of SLC District One as your ambassador on our Salt Lake City Council because this is my home. Whats happened to date clearly is not working. Increasing public safety in our neighborhoods and repairing our citys relationship with its police force. District 1 From I-15 and 900 West to 8525 West, and from I-80 to 2500 North. He has prioritized neighborhood safety at all levels from 911 response times to traffic calming initiatives. Other than that, let the free market prevail. However, these measures have not been enough to retain a sufficient police force: as of August 2021, average 911 response times for Priority 1 callslife-threatening emergencieswas 17 minutes and 35 seconds. Chapman took a tough-on-crime approach, differing from Reale and Mano who emphasized compassion. There are facilities to build and upgrade, transit lines to enhance, and professional services to engage. I write a local news blog at and attend most City Council and District 5 community councils. We are pissing neighbors off, and we are retraumatizing people who have little to their name. To work for you., I see you, I hear you, Ive walked your street., The reason I am running for office is to make a difference in the community, to try my upmost to leave it a better place for the future generations. We also need to be careful to preserve character in residential areas, by allowing higher buildings in already denser areas with adequate parking structures. The two biggest challenges in Salt Lake City are community participation and public safety. Just like protecting our environment, we also need to protect our democracy and make sure it is healthy and robust. Visit website. The District 1 debate featured candidates Richard D. M. Barnes and Victoria Petro-Eschler. As I suggested to the Racial Equity in Policing Commission in January 2021, the SLCPD should have hired an outside entity to examine why over one hundred officers left the department. The center would function as a mental health emergency room with behavioral health and addiction treatment services. Homelessness isnt an easy issue. Occupation: Deputy director of the Central Wasatch Commission. Barnes Occupation: Geologist. I consider public safety to include crime, fires and auto/pedestrian safety. | Only 63 detached homes were approved last year along with around 1,500 apartments. 451 S. State St. Rm 415 PO Box 145515 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 801-535-7671 . We need to pass new zoning ordinances which will allow the missing-middle housing (town houses and small apartment buildings) to be built in more places throughout the city. First-preference votes for the eliminated candidate are deemed null, the voters second-choice candidate is then elevated, and a new count is tallied if a candidate receives a majority in the updated total, they are declared the winner. I also teach/have taught heraldry, flag design, Viking Runes, and other topics, and enjoy creating my own art as well. This is coming at a time when baby boomers are downsizing and millenials are reaching the home buying stage. By having a sustainability component in every conversation happening at City Hall, we will continue to be a model for the state and the rest of the country. The survey consisted of twenty questions, seven of which were directly related to our policy priorities. Womens fundamental rights and safety are constantly under attack. Ill work directly with the citys Public Utilities Department to implement the Water Conservation Plan 2020. I support incremental development where residents have the opportunity to invest in their own neighborhoods and in that process, create value that benefits their community. We must work together so that our police officers come home safe after every shift and that our police department remains accountable. As Utah's statewide historic nonprofit, Preservation Utah wishes to inform voters about the positions of . Growth Our most recent census data showed the incredible growth of our state and the youngest population in the country. With an engaged community, we can plan for growth with purpose, tackle complex issues and find creative solutions together., Lets Get Reale: Im running to work for the residents of District 5. Unsheltered population This is an unfortunate public health issue impacting our city. Most Salt Lake City voters got their ballot in the mail last week, and this coming November Utahs capital city could see some new representation. Luxury apartments dont increase tourism, and hurt locals priced out of living in their own neighborhoods. Fowler won in the general election on November 2, 2021. I wasnt canvassing, but walking, to see and learn about the district. We need to downzone historic districts so the risk of development is low for the properties we are trying to protect. Occupation: Business and community engagement liaison at Volunteers of America. We must require equitable opportunities, working with the Redevelopment Agency and Economic Development Department to INVEST in us not try to fix us or save us. If I cant convince you, I may express my disagreement, but in the end, I must always vote in the way that best represents your wishes and desires. Quite simply, were not building enough units, and prices are skyrocketing due to demand. The following districts are up for reelection: The Deseret News reached out to all 19 candidates in the race, asking for a short statement, three issues they are prioritizing and their campaign website. Very rarely, IF AT ALL, will force work. We also need to restore Warm Springs and the Fisher Mansion, and support small local businesses like Ken Sanders Rare Books. For those who are going to get mad at me for suggesting this, I remind you that those experiencing homelessness are already living in your park, trails, rivers, bridges, alleys and sidewalks. I believe communities and their members are the best developers of their neighborhoods. As part of the plan, we must outline the citys purview and capacity and explicitly outline the work the county and state will need to supplement. I also am able to write peoples names in the ancient Viking runes (alphabet). Our city needs a more effective vacant and boarded building ordinance, a more efficient demolition process, and a housing loss mitigation ordinance that works. Salt Lake City has used CARES money to backfill public safety resources, provide economic relief for small businesses, maintain housing for vulnerable individuals, and keep public spaces open. Historic preservation is a key quality of life issue for many voters in Salt Lake City. Preserving our open spaces is crucial for future generations. SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) - All week long from Oct. 11 to Oct. 15, ABC4 will host a series of debates for the Salt Lake City Council District Elections. All this institutional racism, together with the teaching of Critical Race Theory (which is anti-white racism in disguise), will have the effect of Balkanizing our country, which always leads to disaster., If we want to talk about real public health crises, how about homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, obesity, cancer, heart disease, neurological diseases and many other more pressing issues., Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. It nearly always leads to the exact opposite of what youre trying to do. At the same time, have as few laws as possible and all of them easily understood by the general public. The latter two steps will reduce calls to police, reduce fires and send a message to criminals that Salt Lake is no longer a good place to do business. Please note that there may have been more offices on the ballot in this capital city than what is listed on this page. So, as we grow and provide housing, we are also contributing back to the community. The debate began with talk of food deserts, with all candidates agreeing the district needs more grocery stores, and that gentrification is a big issue. When thinking about housing and its affordability, we also should always think about what type of construction we are incentivizing in our city, is the type that looks forward, that is sustainable. Preserving community character means historic preservation and investing in art and culture, starting with fully restoring and reopening our historic Utah Pantages Theater, as promised to city residents when we purchased the theater in 2009 with taxpayer dollars. As the Salt Lake Valley continues its booming growth, what are your solutions for affordable housing, preserving community character and creating a high quality of life for city residents? District 1 The District 1 debate featured candidates Richard D. M. Barnes and Victoria Petro-Eschler. I'm glad you're here and hope you find helpful links, contact information and resources. The debate was centered around housing prices and development, with candidates taking on issues like high-density building, low-income areas and affordable housing. What are your ideas for investing federal pandemic aid in the city, including funds left over from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act as well as funds from the American Rescue Plan Act? "Thank you to the residents of District 7 for twice electing me to . My first would be homelessness. We need a case management first model to provide the skills needed to become and remain independent. What are your ideas for investing federal pandemic aid in the city, including funds left over from the CARES Act as well as funds from the American Rescue Plan Act? Salt Lake City should force UTA to implement $1 bus fares., When I started this campaign, I decided to walk every street in District 5. I helped put the Walker Center on the National Historic Registry, make it a city landmark, and restore the weather sign tower. We need our affordable housing zoning to be inclusionary. These teams can work with encampments and clean up litter along the length of the trail. Its a walkable neighborhood because theres something worth exploring. Economic development District 1 is home to the most innovative (and most delicious) entrepreneurs in the city. The candidate who receives the majority of first-preference votes is declared the winner. Crime prevention, so that we can walk the streets at night safely. So our efforts to decrease homeless populations are impeded by countering efforts resulting in more addiction. On top of that, we are being force-fed the inland port with all its environmental consequences. In addition to working as the Business & Community Engagement Liaison for Volunteers of America, Dennis served as the chairman and the vice chairman of the Poplar Grove Community Council for over 10 years, and was a founding member of the Westside Coalition, bringing together all six west-side community councils to work together on issues. 500, Salt Lake City, UT 84101, telephone: (801) 539-4020, Attention: Utah RAC Nominations, or Most new laws and/or codes need to be struck, thrown out or rewritten. Our citys air quality is often among the worst in the world and it will only continue to get worse if not made an absolute priority with aggressive goals and plans to reverse the damage climate change is doing. We should focus on incentive-based zoning, where developers are asked to support the neighborhood in which they build so we can preserve these communities. Ill use those lessons to lead the citys preservation efforts moving forward. Candidates found some consensus on housing prices, agreeing that some mix of high-density development could help, with the exception of Chapman, who opposed any kind of high-density buildings. Wharton defended the citys metric and encouraged constituents to look at his campaigns financial disclosures. salt lake city council district 7 candidates 2021 March 27, 2023 mark steines net worth derontae martin autopsy Taxes, school vouchers and the culture war. We have a history of zoning, planning and historic districts that have protected the character of the city we love. Occupation: Architect and small-business owner. Funds from the rescue plan should be used on infrastructure projects, housing stability and business revitalization. Welcome District 7 residents! Our current system puts too much emphasis on pursuing the almighty dollar, at the expense of constituent concerns and priorities, which too often take a back seat to priorities of large developers and monied interests., For truly affordable housing we need to switch to measuring affordability using FPL Federal Poverty Level ($12,880-$26,500), which better represents the reality of those caught in our housing crunch. City elections in Salt Lake City, Utah (2021), 100 largest cities in the United States by population,,_Utah_(2021)&oldid=8622942, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplreplace parser function, United States city council elections, 2021, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Magna Metro Township. Public safety Salt Lake City does not have enough police officers to effectively patrol our community. The reason were not is a holdover from the Great Recession a decade ago. I passed an increase in compensation for all of our first responders and succeeded in securing funds for a new alternative response model pilot program. Occupation: Instructor, University of Utah School of Medicine. The District 1, 3, 5, and 7 seats were up for regular election to four-year terms, and the District 2 seat was up for special election to a two-year term. We need fewer police but higher-quality police. My second goal is to move forward a neighborhood-wide planning and zoning effort in the Ballpark neighborhood. The solution is makes sense density with an ownership component. As for improving quality of life, I believe we should use the concept of neighborhood nodes and the 15-minute city concept as a blueprint to make communities more walkable, sustainable, and vibrant. I adore their little smushed faces. Blake Perez declined to participate in the debate. The District 7 debate featured candidates Ben Raskin, Rainer Huck and incumbent Amy Fowler. During my tenure on the City Council, we have led the state in providing affordable housing units by maximizing federal, state and local dollars and forging public-private partnerships. All candidates agreed the citys Sugar House neighborhood is growing too fast, with Raskin calling for a moratorium on high-density development, echoed by Huck, and Fowler admitting she couldnt afford the house she currently lives in if she were looking to buy now. Ill be a responsive, engaged leader and make sure Sugar House is dynamically represented at City Hall., We have big challenges. Carbon sequestration is pivotal in pulling our carbon legacy out of our atmosphere and improving our climate. Elections in 2023 | Huck echoed Raskin on the potential for electric vehicles to reduce pollution. For me its about action and solutions, it is time to get things done. We have many important issues facing our city including pandemic recovery, public safety, homelessness, air quality and many others. Candidates are competing for five seats on the seven-seat city council. Neighborhood development and transportation. The kind of neighborhoods we want to live in are built and maintained by people who really love them, the folks who live there. Five Salt Lake City Council districts are up for election this year. As a former transportation planner for Salt Lake City, I know why a keen eye on our budget matters. I support rezoning efforts for higher-density units, accelerated building license application reviews and lower impact fees. SALT LAKE CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE . Do we need to add a streetlight where neighbors are requesting one? . We want Salt Lake to be a vibrant city, but were failing folks if they cant afford to live and recreate where they work. Transportation is very important, including the airport, Amtrak system, other rail and highway options, all of these should be encouraged so that we can easily get from one place to another. The shelters, according to the last audit, are full of drugs and the city refuses to use the recommended drug dogs. When I ran for mayor in 2019, I had the solution for the homeless a homeless campus where all the needs of these unfortunate people could be met. The tamales from the Smiths parking lot alone deserve their own storefront. With unprecedented growth, there is a feeling of putting developers first and neighborhoods second. That evening, I chose to speak with voters directly at their doorsteps instead of spending time participating in a debate that wasnt even targeted specifically to viewers in the district, Perez said in a statement. Citywide, inclusionary housing also offers everyone access to a neighborhood of choice. Denver's crime rate has increased at a rate 10X the increase in population from 2021-2022. YES. Money continues to influence politics and steers elected officials away from constituents they were elected to represent. Visit website. Salt Lake City Council member Amy Fowler has announced she will resign her seat following a DUI arrest earlier this month. The U.S. has only 5% of the worlds population but has 25% of its prison population. Public safety: Homelessness and public services. A homeless solution that will work:The homeless campus. Rents are through the roof. I also had a career in the arts as a professional swing dance instructor, music promoter and filmmaker. We have an officer shortage in the city and a county problem with both jail space and prosecutions. Salt Lake City should lead when it comes to salaries and that should also help with recruiting experienced officers from other departments. We need to move toward publicly funded campaigns like those in Denver and Seattle. I was the marketing and fundraising manager for the Jamaican bobsled team for the Nagano and Salt Lake Games. Im running because I want to improve and protect the health, well-being, and prosperity of our District 1 neighborhoods. Lead by example and not by force at least 99% of the time. U.S. President | A lot of the customs and/or laws from the past need to be brought back, implemented and followed. The city of Salt Lake City, Utah, held general elections for city council on November 2, 2021. In August 2021, the average time it took to respond to life-threatening emergencies was over 17 minutes. These topics can intertwine and benefit from public-private partnerships in cases like a program I am creating with SLC Parks, Advantage Services, and the VOA Homeless Outreach Program to use carts from the Glendale and Rose Park golf courses to travel the Jordan River Parkway Trail. We need to incentivize smart development that not only has access to public transit but also encourages its use (free transit passes, Greenbike passes, etc.). Im ready for a full term on the council with (hopefully) fewer global and local emergencies. Using crime statistics from and population stats from violent crime . Were told that more housing density will solve our housing crisis, but its not a simple equation of supply and demand when the demand is endless. Preserving community character. Both will require that we invest in a community policing model that allows us to: Recruit and retain quality officers, provide them with improved training, and ensure equitable service across the city. By utilizing a variety of tools such as inclusionary zoning, infill, and missing-middle developments, we can create higher opportunity index zones for all of our residents to benefit. I fought hard to elevate the parks division to become a Cabinet-level department to enable it to improve green spaces, contributing to a higher quality of life and economic development for our community and its residents. Donate to the newsroom now. However, if no one wins a majority, the candidate with the least first-preference votes is eliminated. Kristin Murphy, Deseret News Polls across Utah closed Tuesday at 8 p.m., but it's likely winners in some municipal elections won't be known until days after election night. We have an officer shortage in Salt Lake City and a problem with both jail space and prosecutions. SLC Council Candidate Survey 2021. Incumbents are marked with an (i) after their name. Sandy Mayor. Im excited to leverage federal dollars with funding from the state to aggressively build more units and more deeply affordable units. I encourage each of you to get involved in one of the many opportunities available throughout our district and city. Once the crisis is stabilized and infrastructure built, there needs to be a sustainable action plan and specific memorandums of understanding between the county, state and city to ensure future management. Most importantly, these issues are systemic we need to change as a community to address the lack of support in mental health, addiction recovery, and provide more opportunities for individuals to succeed in society. For my community, I advocate for a strong mixed-income/mixed-use housing development strategy that allows for housing options at a variety of price points with predictable commerce infrastructure. Sandy City Council District 3. As a city we must commit to moving to complete clean energy, and there is a path to get us there. I dont claim to know how to solve this problem, but I do know we have to solve it, and it must be a priority. Improving and expanding our police department. I am just a neighbor who wants to see the best for our west-side community. Perez lost in the general election on November 2, 2021.. Perez completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2021. Now that ranked-choice voting has come to town, we need publicly funded campaigns, to reinstate the gift ban, and bring transparency and accountability to elected officials who often go unchecked. I have also fought to create additional resources, in the form of an alternate response model that will soon be developed. You are my constituent and my purpose is to represent you. We need to be sure to maintain the citys character and all of the reasons we love it as we see this growth. Im a former bartender who once made Robin Williams smile. Cox declares June Pride Month but leaves out LGBTQ+ this year. Adding grants or tax breaks for current property owners to update their older homes helps with preservation of the city. Ballot measures, Who represents me? Ballots need to be postmarked by Nov. 1 or dropped off in a ballot box by Nov. 2. We can do better than that. I will bring some fresh perspectives to the council that will enable our city to more effectively deal with these and other pressing issues. As the incumbent in this race, I am ready to get things done now. En. DennisFarisis the Councilmember for Salt Lake City District 2, and was appointed to the City Council on May 13, 2021, to replace Councilmember Andrew Johnston. State legislature | Jim Bennett. We also need to look for creative solutions to housing. The city of Salt Lake City, Utah, held general elections for city council on November 2, 2021. Homelessness We need a three-year crisis management plan which focuses on organizing the current chaos. Youll find I have the longest history serving our west-side neighborhoods. Salt Lake Citys District 5 has a disproportionate number of abandoned and boarded structures that shouldnt be allowed to just rot for decades. More specifically, I hope to reach the citys Climate Positive 2040 goals ahead of schedule, invest more in renewable energy sources with our public utility providers, and support businesses that share Salt Lake Citys values and best practices. Hawkins said homeless camps allow drug dealers to hide in plain sight, and the solution is affordable housing. This is the kind of housing a teacher or firefighter or a police officer could afford. Create all types of housing (including a low bar) so unsheltered neighbors arent living in our parks, alleys, rivers and sidewalks. There are many factors here but at the end of the day it boils down to what is the land really worth? First, we need to stop the disaster that is the proposed polluting port, that will devastate our wetlands and endanger the health of west side and all city residents. I support rezoning efforts for higher-density units, accelerated building license application reviews and impact. 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