Passage 2 is from a meditation on the game written in 1989 by the late literary scholar A. Bartlett Giamatti, then commissioner of baseball. And Maria laughed againtill the tip of her nose nearly met the tip of her chinand till her minute body nearly shook itself asunderbecause she knew that Mooney meant well though. It is the correct answer. Each carver, (50)must follow his own way, in his own time. Give yourself a break. You need to concentrate on just a few lines of text. [CDATA[ (40)awareness of injury or weakness, and as nearly an absoluteconcentrationaspossible so that all externalities are integrated, all distraction absorbed to theself, must be able to change the self so successfully that it changes us. The French behaved well this time at least, Dawson remarked. When you find a key word or its synonym, reread the sentence to make sure the test-writer hasnt used the original wording to mislead you. It is hard to concentrate when you read about something that is wholly unfamiliar to you. Choice D is incorrect. In a few minutes the women began tocome in by twos and threes, wiping their steaminghands in their petticoats and pulling down thesleeves of their blouses over their red steaming, (30)arms. A common question that appears on the SAT tests your ability to determine the correct meaning of a word from its context. My grandmother, one of Howes sustainingwomen, not only ruled the household with an arm, (80)of iron, but kept a store to support them all, herblond, blue-eyed husband enjoying life rather thanstruggling through it. Her husbandtreated her kindly. (D)Tapestry weaving is time-consuming, taking as much as a year to produce a yard. In addition, it is faithful to the original (The weaver always follows a preexisting model.) It is not, however, spontaneous in concept. While the author is concerned with Charlottes moral character, he is notmoralisticorself-righteous; he is describing her character, not preaching a sermon against her. When you are considering questions of attitude and tone, bear in mind the nature of the SAT. (E)In lines 1315 (If there ishigh artistic quality?), the author poses or asks a question. (A)Stengels sarcastic comments about the mistakes DiMaggiodoesntmake indicate just how dumb he thinks it is to look down at the ground when you should have your attention on the outfielder and the ball. 18. Her work during this period, (10)consisted of excellent impressionist scenes of Paris. Look at him, Stengel would say as DiMaggio ranout a base hit, hes always watching the ball. Who or what is the author talking about? Clearly, heknows the terrain. Those lines are repeated here so that you can easily refer to them. In line 65, properties most nearly means, 17. She pretended to listen to the old Viennese melodies. The following passage is excerpted from the short story Clay inDublinersby James Joyce. When Asked About an Attitude or Tone, Look for Words That Convey Emotions, Express Values, or Paint Pictures. in context, lines 8-9, primarily emphasize henrys. 10. Clearly, the force of DiMaggios running is mentioned to illustratehow muchexertion went into DiMaggios moves. Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported CC BY-SA 3.0. The sample questions on the following pages are typical of the Reading Comprehension questions you will find on the LSAT. Go through the answer choices one by one. Techniquein itself is meaningless unless it serves toexpress content. 15. DiMaggio was that kindof hero; his grace and skill were always on display, his emotions always, (25)concealed. There is no evidence in the passage that Dr. Stanhope feels regret or remorse. Both areindolent(lazy). A Huguenot is someone who, when he thinks of Rome, thinks of it in terms of vice and lack of seriousness. B. Mattie strives to match the speed at which Ethan works. concerned with explaining ideas, facts, etc. One spiraling game is Wind upthis borrin. Some teachers claim borrin is a corruption of borrowing,. (D)Heilbruns central criticism is that her grandmother impaired her six daughters for autonomy or independence. Valentin would probablynotagree with Statement III. Thus, his attitude toward the concept is one ofexplicit rejection. Thus, in his side comment, he isdefininghow he intends to use the wordactorsthroughout the discussion. On religion she was a purefreethinker, and with much want of true affection,delighted to throw out her own views before the, (50)troubled mind of her father. Tapestry weaving may be characterized as which of the following? Youll be in a better position to understand what you read. However, she was not a French impressionist painter; she was a Black American painter, and after meeting Locke she began to paint works that explicitly reflected her background as a Black American. 1. Mrs. Norris was by no means to be compared in, (40)happiness to her sister. It can be inferred from lines 8 and 9 that American ranches developed in the West rather than the East because, (A) more Spanish-speaking people lived in the West, (B) there was more money available in the West, (C) people in the East were more bound by tradition, (D) many jobless men in the East wanted to become cowboys, (E) there was more unsettled land available in the West, 2. 6. This is pure invention. When you tackle a long passage,if you run into real trouble understanding the material, dont get bogged down in the text. 2. Not only that, he emphasizes the importance of her having done so by placing this statement at the end of the paragraph (a key position). Occasionally a couple of questions referring tobothpassages will precede the questions focusing on Passage 1. (E)The first sentence of the passage states that Newmans purpose is to see Mademoiselle Noemie, to pay her another visit. The second question on the Greene passage is a tone question. In tackling theshortreading passages, try this approach: first read a question; then read the passage. Then look at the two passages. The African carver followed his rules withoutthinking of them; indeed, they never seem to havebeen formulated in words. While Charlotte has her virtues, the passage stresses her faults. (45)their overtones of good will and social service,appealed to her less strongly; it was not aharvestof souls that my grandmother had in mind. Essay (optional) 50 MINUTES 1 QUESTION ANSWER SHEET Start with number 1 for each new section. In tackling thelongreading passages, first read the passage; then read the questions. What does this mean? Never has thatcurtain dropped so heavy and blank, as when my wayin life lay stretched out straight before me through. (B) It influenced her to paint scenes from Black American life. If the double passage section has you worried, relax. 1. Answer them. The wefts are beaten down tocover the warps completely. Long before there was a science ofgeology, Shakespeare wrote the revolution of thetimes makes mountains level., 11. SAT Practice Test 45 Question No 1. The religious magazines onher table furnished her not with food for meditationbut with fresh pretexts for anger; articles attackingbirth control, divorce, mixed marriages, Darwin,and secular education were her favorite reading. The author absolutely dismisses the teachers claim. The doctor isretorting: he is replying sharply to Dawsons positive remark about the French having behaved well. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what isstatedorimpliedin that passage. Her mind was preoccupiedwith conversion; the capture of a soul for Godmuch diverted her fancyit made one lessProtestant in the world. The passage is primarily concerned with A.evaluating a method used to test a particular scientific hypothesis B.discussing explanations . 6. The language of the passage most resembles the language of. What is a Huguenot? Clearly, both Black and female American artists exist. Passage 2, however, presents a more complex picture of the relationship between the performer and his audience. (60)performing, silence or gasps are the most desired, for thenthe moment has occurredthen domination is complete, and as theperformer triumphs, a unity rare and inspiring results. Forty days in the boats! cried Mrs. Perrot. The passage suggests that Sir Thomass suddenarrival, (A) was motivated by concern for his wife, (C) was timed by him to coincide with a family reunion, 13. 1. Multiple-choice 2 minutes 1 pt According to the passage, Maguire's findings regarding taxi drivers are significant because they (E)The passage mentions the matron twice: once, in the opening line, where she gives Maria permission to leave work early; once, in lines 1718, where she pays Maria a compliment. (20)It is quite probable, as McWilliams asserts, thatwith the exception of the capital required toexpand the industry, there seems to have beennothing the American rancher or cowboy contributedto the development of cattle-raising in the, Other contributions of the Mexican cowboywere: the western-style saddle with a large, ornatehorn;chaparejos, or chaps;lazo, lasso;la reata,lariat; the cinch; the halter; themecate, or horsehair, (30)rope; chin strap for the hat; feed bag for thehorse; ten-gallon hat (which comes from amistranslation of a Spanish phrase su sombrerogaloneado that really meant a festooned orgalooned hat). The correct answer is choice E. The doctor is without illusions. This suggests that others in the group face Sir Thomass arrival not with complete pleasure butwith mixed emotions. When Asked to Give the Meaning of an Unfamiliar Word, Look for Nearby Context Clues. ThecontinentsEurasia, Africa, NorthAmerica, South America, Australia, and Antarcticaare the portions of thecontinental massesrisingabove sea level. 2. Its just fine to skip an individual reading question, especially if it resembles other reading questions that youve had trouble with before. It is what you do when you look up someones number in the phone book.). There was a great deal of laughing and jokingduring the meal. 5. This land-extensive, (10)form of cattle-raising required differenttechniques and brought forth thevaquero, the cowboy(from the Spanishvaca, cow) who tended thewidely-scattered herds of Spanish longhorn cattle.Because of the American penchant to be considered. Choice E is incorrect. 15. Instead, you must look for clues in the passage that you can use in coming up with your own conclusion. (35)comprehension filled by his narratives, that she began particularly to feel how dreadfully she must have missed him, and how impossible it would have been for her to bear a lengthened absence. He respects family relationships, for he has agreed to his mothers request to show the cousin around. Choice E is incorrect. Just as the Mexican association for the protectionof the rights of sheepherders gave rise to the. (20)themselves very unpleasantly situated in Barchester. (95)embodied in her lack of sexual experience, in theknowledge that he was the first, the owner. Choice A is incorrect. Is the author using adjectives to describe the subject? Youve just read the first passage. Theirlaughter may be subtle, or broad and Chaucerian. The passage suggests that Choice B is characteristic of Maria. When you have a choice, tackle passages with familiar subjects before passages with unfamiliar ones. Choice A is incorrect. if, for example, there had been an attitude question based on the Lois Mailou Jones passage, it might have been worded like this: The authors attitude toward the artistic achievements mentioned in the passage can best be described as one of. Therefore, an overview will be given. The fire was nice and brightand on one of the side-tables were four very bigbarmbracks. Note that in SAT reading passages, topic sentences are sometimes implied rather than stated directly. choice D is incorrect. Sir Thomass delight at finding his family together exactly as he could have wished indicates he does not lack family feeling. (15)tapestry weaver. (D) Both excerpts examine the nature of superior athletic performance. The passage suggests that the narrator's increasing discontent with his home during his apprenticeship was caused by (A) a new awareness on his part of how his home would appear to others . Their lines will be numbered as if they were oneenormouspassage: if Passage 1 ends on line 42, Passage 2 will begin on line 43. 11. I dont know whether tobe furious at their playing me false, or delighted tohave escaped them., I think in your place I would be furious, saidNewman, because they may arrive yet, and then, (45)your fury will still be of use to you. Theyve only brought in the dying, the doctor retorted. 19. Later, woven silks,ornamental wood carving, stucco decoration, andpainted leather gradually replaced tapestry asexpensive wall coverings, until at last wallpaper was. McCarthys grandmother was also protective of her belongings, but she was not the typical gentle and tremulous elderly woman. In his first season as a Yankee, Gene Woodling, who played leftfield, was struck by the sound of DiMaggio chasing a fly ball. in fact, if a passage doesnt start out bland, they revise it and cut out the spice. The correct answers, as well as answer explanations, are given at the end of the chapter. (A)The authors comment in lines 1617 that Eskimo art has a special freedom unsullied (unstained or undefiled) by any kind of formalized training suggests that he would agree that formal training might defile ordestroy an artists originalityand freedom of expression. The author does not predict or foretell something that is going to happen; the author asserts or states positively something that is an accomplished fact. 11. Growing rice down here wouldteach them what work is.. I rememberher as thoroughly loving. You must not take anything directly stated by the author as an inference. 13. Eskimo carvings reveal the passionate feelings of a vital people (line 9); they possessemotional depth. The office she has lost is that of herald ormessage-bearer. Choices B and C are incorrect. He isnt watching secondbase. Andwe must also inquire whether there is a recurrent, (10)pattern or rules or a plastic language and vocabularywhich is responsible for the powerful communicationof emotion which the best African sculptureachieves. 9. He imitatedmedieval tapestries in both style and technique,using few warps to the inch, but he did not makesets; the original function for which tapestry is soadmirably suitedcompletely covering the walls, (65)of a room and providing sumptuous surroundingsfor a life of pomp and splendorcould not berevived. (E)The first paragraph notes that ranches can develop where large amounts of land are available. Certain words come up again and again in questions on a passages purpose or main idea. Indeed, in lines 67, he is described as roaming through several of the rooms in fruitless quest of her.. This chapter begins with basic advice about the SAT critical reading sections. This preview shows page 6 - 8 out of 10 pages. The authors attitude toward Eskimo art is one of. Renaissance nobles carried tapestries with them to demonstrate their, 19. When you first saw a piece of African art, itimpressed you as a unit; you did not see it as acollection of shapes or forms. (65)Under her jealous eye, its social properties hadatrophied, and it functioned in the family structuresimply as a political headquarters. The passage suggests that Choice D is characteristic of Maria. The extent to which women were interested in pursuing educational opportunities in the eighteenth century the only interest the passage concerns itself with . Tone/AttitudeQuestions that test your ability to sense an authors or characters emotional state often take the form:The authors attitude to the problem can best be described asWhich of the following best describes the authors tone in the passage?The authors tone in the passage is that of a person attempting toThe authors presentation is marked by a tone ofThe passage indicates that the author experiences a feeling of, 5. For this reason, the goal is to be noncontroversial: to present material that wont offendanyone. D) regarded speech like Miss J's as a means of self-improvement. Morriss example has been followed, thoughwith less imitation of medieval style, by manyweavers of the present century, whose coarsely. (C) One picture is worth more than ten thousand words. ends") suggest that the speaker imitated Miss J primarily because she. Although Charlotte may well be selfish or egotistical, she does do some good for others. (D)McCarthy is building up a portrait of her grandmother as a pugnacious, autocratic person. (100)only her daughters knew how hard. (D)Use the process of elimination to answer this question. 1. (10)The back and front of a tapestry show the samedesign. By describing (in lines 5257) the typical old womans fear for the safety of her possessions, McCarthy emphasizes that, (A) her grandmother feared the approach of death, (B) old women have dangerously brittle bones, (C) her grandmother possessed considerable wealth, (D) her grandmother had different reasons for her actions, (E) visitors were unwelcome in her grandmothers home, 16. Though the narrator may not show himself as hard-working, nothing in the passage suggests laziness led to his discontent. 14. To answer this question, simply substitute each of the answer choices for the quoted word in its original context. But such rules existed, (35)for accident and coincidence cannot explain thecommon plastic language of African sculpture.There is too great a consistency from one work toanother. In Passage 2 Caroline Heilbrun tells of her Jewish grandmother, who died when Heilbrun was 10. The answer depends on the passage, andit depends on you. A quick review of the questions may give you a feeling for what to look for when you return to the text. When they say it ispureinvention, they are stressing that it is a complete or total fabrication. When the cook told her everything was ready, (25)she went into the womens room and began to pullthe big bell. (This is calledscanning. (45)introduced in the late eighteenth century andeventually swept away almost everything else. He himself was in the worst of humorsand he wanted someone to contradict. Black and female American artists exist of Paris old Viennese melodies people ( line 9 ) ; they depth... 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