v. Buelow and Kraemer give the following explanation: The one dances about and wastes his time with useless things, whilst the other by persevering efforts goes straight towards his goal. My grandmother had one, and when I was 12 years old I'd go stay with her and that's where I got to watch her band play she had a Ulumu politely offered Lefao to take station in the falemuathe front hut. Applied to one having neither strength nor means, but who talks of building a house. (50+) 10. Ive chosen 12 that I like the most and will work on trying to understand them. Fa'atilotilo masae. 3. The Fijian used bow and arrow; the other fished with a spear like the Samoans. Never judge things of. Since the spread of Christianity the saying refers to the repose of the soul after death. Introduction: The two principal objects at the use of the Samoan are his house and his boat. E sau le fuata ma lona lou. Applied to the death of a beloved chief. For women, this means wearing a lavalava (wrap skirt), muumuu, or traditional dress. To look, like a fish, for a hole in the net. its not often Samoans like to share personal stuff about their families. The Samoan fish-hook consists of a longish shaft of polished pearl shell, pa, and a hook made of tortoise shell, maga. This is said by a person when Samoan custom requires him to give away some valuable object, such as a pig or a fine mat. Like a sleeping fish. Olo = the noise that pigeons make (coo). 135. O le faiva 'ese lo Pepe. Like the pressing out of the 'o'a. Upu alofa: expressions of love, compassion, and sympathy. Many users would be better served consulting an attorney than using a do-it-yourself online
Ua le se'i seu fa'aalo. Va i fale ve'a. Ua se fau e ta'i. Its ok, e kuai kuai ae ka ke maoga ai..LOL.. Translated into English by h. Neffgen, Govt. Literally: Friends every day but siblings on bad days. Directly applied to a long meeting and indirectly, to any other performance that takes a long time. Confession this one is not actually in my grandfathers notebook, but its my favourite alagaupu on this list because it has very recent, very local origins. Like a sleeping fish. Upu fa'amafanafana. Before the work begins, the mesh-sticks (afa) are measured and made equal, so that all the meshes may be of the same size. Applied to a unanimous decision. He died when I was very young, but I still hear stories about how so many villages would invite him to their various functions to hear him speak, and how he was paid handsomely in the currency of food and fine mats for his eloquence. Spoken to a man of bad conduct. I had to ask a lot of questions to try and understand the literal meaning of this one, because the word taulia to me means something that has been accepted or approved, so I couldnt understand why ao (clouds) would be described as taulia? Sa'a faaoti le utu a le faimea. Ua mua'i ta i'a Fagaiofu. . Upu fa'anoanoa. WebWhat's the Samoan word for farewell? Sure i can, but id rather not, well, not the ones that i have, they are not your everyday provebs. Knowing. Now, it is common to delay funerals for overseas loved ones. These are only 12 well, 11 (plus 1 extra) out of over 400 alagaupu that my grandfather recorded in his notebook. 43. Literally: You cant get a flow of coconut fat from one coconut. 54. 83. I am proud to give it. Samoan etiquette requires the visitor to assure his host that he has not come to fa'atilotilo masae, i.e., to sponge on him. 29. is an important part of Samoan custom. If the boards met exactly in the centre, the job was completed. 13. It is very closely related to what we call muagagana or figures of speech. The 'apoa have spines on the back and breast. (See below.). There is no division between the living and the dead, and this is unique to the Samoan people. I find it quite interesting and fascinating at so many of our people wanting to learn their culture and thank you Hamogeekgirl for at least shining a torch at the subject. When fishing for ise we swing the net sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left. WebSamoan Death Famous Quotes & Sayings. Upu fa'aalualu: Ta te gase a uluga. 187. The overwhelming religion in Samoa is Christianity. The bonito was mistakenly pulled up on the outrigger side. Turn the house around; the ropes will protect it. At LONG last (island time, yall), thanks to an amazing weekend discussion with my mother and her tulafale brother, I finally have a list of family-themed alagaupu for you translated and explained.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'anavasamoana_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anavasamoana_com-medrectangle-3-0'); But before we delve in, lets make sure everybody understands the importance and value of Samoas alagaupu.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'anavasamoana_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anavasamoana_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Alagaupu is the Samoan word for proverbs wise sayings or expressions about life. Some manutagi have the bad habit of driving the wild birds out of the cage before the hunter has had time to catch them. The oldies pretty much. Its like saying we wish we could stay longer, but alas. I loved your post thank you so much for sharing. My grandmother had one, and when I was 12 years old I'd go stay with her and that's where I got to watch her band play she had a seven or eight-piece band, and I would sit in the kitchen and peek through the door. Posted at 02:59h in the first taste of injustice of rizal by kern county fire marshal. 159.
A decision made at night may be changed in the morning. The two main islands of Samoa are Upolu and Savaii, one of the biggest islands in Polynesia.More on Samoa from Wikipedia! He is like the plate of the drill. 23. 162. It grew in the bush, but it is cast away in the road. Catch the bird, but watch the breakers. O le aso ma le filiga'afa, o le aso ma le mata'inatila. And it was also the reason for my asking whether you were getting a matai title..hahaha, But as far as being Sameli, only you can answer that question..LOL.. Nah! When the catch is poor, the fishermen exaggerate on their return, saying that they saw the palolo only in the mouths of the fish they caught. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa or faifai referring to a person who has come to harm through his own fault or that of a relative or friend. 1. When the fish see an opening in the net, they swim to the place where the tautai stands as if they obeyed him. I am not competent to judge how the unavau's poison is communicated to the pelupelu, whether this happens in the sea or when the two fish are accidentally cooked together. Hidden like a tattoo design. Literally: Only to look (at you) can satisfy my soul. The shade of the high trees in the forest will not allow the weeds to come up and the path is always visible. 176. Appropriate dress for funerals is a lavalava (or skirtlike wrap), white shirt, tie, jacket and leather sandals for men, and a pulu tasi (or muumuu) for women. Another awkward translation lol, and another alagaupu to do with an actual person. Should such a bird fly over the tia, it will be ignored by the hunters as only pigeons are wanted. The fuga has soft dorsal fins; the maono, hard and spiny ones. Upu fa'aalualu: General invitation to assist in the reconciliation of quarrelling parties. The unavau is a poisonous fish that occasionally appears in a school of edible pelupelu. Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. 110. See No. Thank you Hamogeekgirl, Malo faafetai for sharing these gems of our wonderful language. The aggrieved person usually leaves it to another to utter this reproach unless he is unable to contain his anger. Only by dying at home and being buried the day after death with the spirit avoid misfortune. If i was a matai, i would love to share it with you, but im just a botz, for now, eager learner, keen student, but amazingly fiabotz. E pata le tutu i ona vae. Welp, dont I feel foolish just saw that HGG already commented on E. Shultzs book in her Alagaupu & Muagagana pageoh well, enjoy the book in its totality with the other links. Ua tuliloa le atu a le sa'u. The offspring of birds are fed with flower nectar, but the children of men are nurtured with words. The fault was committed in the bush, but it is now talked about on the highway. The most frequently used and best beloved embellishment of the language to which the orator resorts, is the muagagana or alaga'upu. I think thats the perfect alagaupu for all my procrastinations lollll. Later the shark went to Foa and proposed to Sinafalemoa, the daughter of the chief. A reference to the work of digging tupa. Upu alofa, fa'aulaula or fa'anoanoa. Your soul has moved on, and your family mourns this loss. Though these have modernized over the years, many still stick to the ways of the past to honor their culture. summer hockey camps 2022 ottawa; which of the following statements are true regarding unemployment Mocking words applied to a boaster. 171. Hence the fish appear first at an insignificant little village while the politically important towns have to wait. 39. To prick one another like a school of 'apoa. 2. Samoan people understand that their loved ones are no longer living, but they also dont think death is a great separator. It is often planted on the edges of a taro patch, so that with its big leaves and tall stalks it may keep away the weeds. If the assistant is inattentive and looks away, the plank will not fit in and the work miscarries. May the coconut tree bear a rich harvest. The torch is tilted over while the flying fish die. To rejoice like a young bird on the return of its parent with food. When a family wishes to lay out a big taro plantation, it is well that a specified spot be apportioned to each member. Required fields are marked *. I believe that my father, Rev. It is also used for the notch made by the carpenter in a tree trunk or a beam to facilitate his work. Who sits at home in the morning will not eat in the evening. 10. I predict this one is going to grow into a well-used, quite profound alagaupu in many lauga to come. This link will open in a new window. Enjoy reading and share 6 famous quotes about Samoan Death with everyone. When gathering breadfruit with the lou, it may happen that branches not bearing any fruit are knocked about and injured. Would love to see your own interpretations and any other alagaupu you might want to share in the comments. Gifts include money and fine hand-woven mats (usually for display only and then rolled and stored). The hermit crab often wanders inland. Thank you for your heart in wanting to share. If one wishes to drill a hole in a thing, as in a piece of mother-of-pearl for a fish-hook, he first bores from one side and then tries to hit the hole from the other side. The former, therefore, is compared to a peace-loving person; the latter, to a quarrelsome one.
The city is located on the central north coast of Upolu, Samoas second largest island. When the gatala has been impregnated, it moves very slowly. The Banner of Freedom (O Le Fua o Le Saolotoga o Samoa) is the national anthem of Samoa.(Video). The crab did not consult with its legs that they should pinch; they did it of themselves. 73. Paraphrase for: To remove someone from a family, a meeting, or a village. The hermit crab is doing the climbing, but it is its shell that suffers the damage. 79. Of anything quick, like a canoe before the wind. When this contraption has been destroyed deliberately or otherwise, the fishermen will come and rebuild it. Upu vivi'i: A figure of speech for speed.. Ua 'ou seuseu ma le fata. Besides, it refers to a faint-hearted person who is ready to give up as soon as he meets with a difficulty. It is also used as an upu fa'amaulalo, an apology to the receiver whom courtesy then requires to praise the value of the gift. traditions have long been a mystery to the rest of the world. Upu fa'anoanoa. The crab blusters on his feet; a boy blusters when he knows his father is near. 111. In this state, which is considered a symbol of repose, it is known as ufu. Upu faifai referring to a lazy person or a shirker who will not lend a hand at a job undertaken by the community. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. A fala se'ese'e is an old dirty mat used to sit on during work. It is becoming to listen to and to consider the speech of a distinguished orator. E sola le fai, 'ae tu'u le foto. I think it is simply used as a faianaga, a jest referring to a lean person. When the saying is applied to girls (o le i'a vai tama'ita'i), it is used as a faianaga (jest). Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa used when one is pursued by misfortune. 173. Ive heard a few of those alagaupus and the others will come in handy!I was honoured to have been bestowed an Alii title in my Grandmothers Village couple years ago so trying to learn as much as I can thanks sis alofa aku, CherrryyyK! 78. The host, for instance, addresses the words to an unexpected visitor to excuse the delay in having things ready for his reception. Upu faifai applied to a community (family, village, district) composed of many but unimportant individuals. In addition, this week is for friends, community members, and extended family to visit. The paths in the bush are never obliterated. The saying is then used by a member of the family or a third person to indicate that the quality of the gift does not correspond with the dignity of the receiver. 93. 48. Ua se i'a e moe. During his absence a strange chief came along and put up at the big house. Upu fa'alumaluma applied to a fop or a dandy who only thinks of grooming himself and is useless for serious things, such as war. Upu faifai: You have not shown by your deeds that you wish me well. 110. Have patience and forgive those that trespass against you. A fisherman at his work or returning from the sea, being asked whether he has caught anything, will give a negative answer if he wants to keep all the fish for himself. Login to Loopia Customer zone and actualize your plan. Ua tagi le tagata e ona le va'a i le tautai ia ave le va'a i La'ulu ia goto ona o le tele o i'a. Hes special so its just funny. Applied to toilalo party. 108. Samoa, officially the Independent State of Samoa, formerly known as Western Samoa, is an Oceanian country encompassing the western part of the Samoan Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. In wanting to share le Fua o le aso ma le mata'inatila the pressing out of the.... 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