Getting a Head Start: Sun Protective Hats in New Zealand Primary School Policies How Do They Measure up to SunSmart Schools Accreditation Criteria? Correcting for choice of activity (ballgames, skipping vs imaginary play, verbal games), girls did significantly more activity during breaks on sports uniform days. Along with school facilities and symbols [21], a well-disciplined body of students is associated with a certain type of dress. Yet Parks [39] study found in Korea uniform was linked to stifling creativity, in spite of good academic performance. A public health lens reveals that much school uniform garment design and use policy negatively affects the poor, girls, religious and ethnic minorities, and gender-diverse students. For some students the disadvantages will be cumulative. 18(2/3):13148. 10. Mobile County Public Schools has earned and maintains system accreditation through. Eur J Educ Sci (2018). 96. 1. Surface area: 21.114 km2; Population: 6.268.099; Foreign population: 1.090.460 (17,4%) Institutions for higher education: 14; Unemployment rate: 4,5% Other ideas suggest that uniform allows students to rebel in safe confines [81]. When Appearances Are Not Deceptive: A Comparative History of School Uniforms in Argentina and the United States (Nineteenth-twentieth Centuries). It seems for the very poor/marginalized in any society, uniform can be simply another barrier to education because of the focus on equality, not equity. Available from: 135.Radio New Zealand. For instance, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Art 14) protects freedom of religion [118]. 28. 127.Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley. Indeed, in the United States uniforms are often perceived as more neutral than dress codes because everyone wears the same [100], as opposed to judgements being made about clothing items against a standard. One contradiction to this trend comes from Hidalgo et al. London: Bloomsbury (2005). Available from: doi:10.1080/17569370.2019.1607223, 72. 27(2):225. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). LL.B. 78(6):6629. Nonetheless, poorly designed garments and uniform policies especially affect girls and minorities. [58] found that Sunsmart policies were not consistently implemented, even among Sunsmart-accredited schools. In the United States, from the mid-1990s school uniforms have been explicitly promoted as a means to lower danger and violence in schools and remove classroom distractions [99]. 25(1):113. There is little evidence about how to reduce the cost barrier of uniforms for the poor; how different societal values are incorporated into uniform design (e.g., environmental protection and school/community tradition, or, given the impacts of uniform on health and access to education, whether any form of government regulation of upfront cost, uniform policy or garment design is required (especially for state-funded schools). Available from: doi:10.3402/gha.v7.24887, 65. Community norms reflect institutional and wider societal rules. [Internet] (2018). Poorly designed sports uniform may also deter girls and overweight childrens participation in timetabled physical education. Whether a form of governmentality or not, it is clear that uniform is associated with broader societal values. [Internet]. While there is evidence on how uniform facilitates physical activity, there is little evidence on the psychological effects of uniforms on how students feel about doing physical activity in uniform. The evidence considered here suggests that uniform is of public health concern because its use and effects are prevalent, have impact and are amenable to improvement. Writing about the United States, DaCostas [35] study of students noted improved concentration and increased security in the school where uniform was introduced. [50] reported that recommended physical activity for school-aged children was not being met, especially for girls, where restrictive school uniform limited physical activity and created an explicit barrier to lunchtime play. Wis L Rev (2001). Afr J AIDS Res (2019). Studies varied in the number of participants, the number of sites from which participants were taken. Encouraging regular physical activity is part of the WHOs health promotion concept of health in all policies and settings. Indeed, modeling from Australia indicates that slightly longer garments significantly alter mole patterns [57]. Negatively, inflexible uniform policies and garment design disadvantage girls, gender-diverse students, and overweight students because they do not feel confident in participating in physical activity while wearing uniform garments (4751,53). [Internet]. 7(1). Views were gathered via survey and/or focus group. Alagbela, A. There were also stand-alone case studies and ethnographies, an RCT and an auto-ethnography. The New Daily (2019). Jones (United States) reported a reduction in bullying after uniform was introduced [74]. 39(3):32551. Importantly, any dress is about more than clothing, indicating social relations, self-presentation, and formation in society, and is a sensitive topic in adolescence [78]. Globally, governments are trying increase physical activity among children and young people to reduce child obesity rates [45]. about our Website Accessibility, or how to file a formal Section 504 or 91. Newshub [Internet] (2018). 42(1):16983. A public health perspective was chosen to review evidence because it is explicitly designed to analyze impacts of broad socio-political forces and determinants of health on individual experiences. It appears that uniform use and policy is a neglected area of research: given its widespread use there is surprisingly little empirical evidence about its use or effects at all. 11(4):34556. Menu . This study involved a very large sample of students from across the globe. 37(1):705. One effect uniforms have on physical wellbeing is their limitation or allowance of exercise. Available from: doi:10.1177/0013124503255002. The results are detailed in Table 1. Plos Negl Trop Dis (2017). Available from: doi:10.1007/s40841-016-0046-z, 116. In practical terms, equity through uniforms is inevitably an imperfect idea: even if uniform policy allows students to choose to wear any items from a list so long as items comply with style or color rules, expensive branded items, or other garment choices would inevitably signal differences in economic status, wearer style, and individual preferences. 126. Available from: doi:10.1177/0017896919846182, 54. [88] note that like corporate uniform, school uniform gives cues to the service environmenta more conservative uniform suggests more conservative values, higher socio-economic status, and by association higher academic achievement. p. 230. The Effects of Appropriateness of Service Contact Personnel Dress on Customer Expectations of Service Quality and purchase Intention. Cho, H, Mbai, I, Luseno, WK, Hobbs, M, Halpern, C, and Hallfors, DD. doi:10.1080/02701367.2011.10599785, 47. If garments and policy are well designed, they encourage physical activity and can protect against environmental hazards. In South Africa and the United States uniforms are used to easily identify intruders on school premises and to reduce gang violence and theft of designer items outside of school [35, 36]. School Uniforms and Discourses on Childhood. Bragg, S, Renold, E, Ringrose, J, and Jackson, C. 'More Than Boy, Girl, Male, Female': Exploring Young People's Views on Gender Diversity within and beyond School Contexts. 87. For instance, Pauss [53] auto-ethnography highlights the psychological barrier an unflattering sports uniform can pose to fat childrens participation in and enjoyment of physical activity as a good in itself (as opposed to a means to lose weight). 71(1):117. 130. Available from:, 77. Howard, E. Bans on the Wearing of Religious Symbols in British Schools: A Violation of the Right to Non-discrimination? Unflattering or revealing (sports) uniforms may deter students from participating in sport. Gibson, S. School Uniforms: A Civilising mission. doi:10.1177/1356336x14567545, 50. What the United Kingdom Can Teach the United States about School Uniforms. De Blasio, B, and Menin, J. Massad, E, Amaku, M, Coutinho, FAB, Kittayapong, P, and Wilder-Smith, A. The Guardian [Internet] (2019). However, in the United States one study found negligible evidence of uniform enhancing security [43], while another study found introducing uniform created only a lower perception of gang presence [44]. Health in All Policies: A Framework for Country Action [Internet] (2014). Vopat [40] argues protection should be linked to the childs moral development and ability to reason, balanced against Article 12 of UNCROC, which includes the duty to consider childrens voice in decisions that affect them. BBC News Online (2014). Jones, T, Smith, E, Ward, R, Dixon, J, Hillier, L, and Mitchell, A. Girls, ethnic and religious minorities, gender-diverse students and poorer students suffer harm disproportionately from poorly designed uniform policies and garments that do not suit their physical and socio-cultural needs. Gies, L. What Not to Wear: Islamic Dress and School Uniforms. Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement. Available from:, 70. School Uniforms and Appearance Restrictions in Korean Middle Schools and High Schools. 43(6):113. 6:118. 45.WHO. Mcauley, J. 23(6):84774. All the above elements contribute to wider social settings that facilitate or prevent access to what people need to enjoy good health and education. 3. Routledge (2009). Similarly to promoting equity and freedom of religion, human rights protect non-discrimination by gender. School Experiences of Transgender and Gender Diverse Students in Australia. Wellington: New Zealand Health Quality and Safety Commission (2017). Harv Civ Rights-civil Lib L Rev (2019). Researchers have investigated how to standardize sizing [67], improve garment quality and durability [68], optimize materials, enhance style, include high visibility/reflectiveness for road safety, and ensure physical comfort irrespective of outside temperature [6871]. THE ROLE OF NON - GOVERN ME NTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOS) IN EXPANDING ACCESS TO AND PARTICIPATION IN BASIC EDUCATION IN THE BONGO DISTRICT. 97(2):6771. The authors hypothesize that in South Korea and Japan, Confucian values of self-discipline and conformity to ritual inform practical aspects of daily life. Schools Encouraged to Adopt Gender-Neutral Uniforms [Internet]. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group (2012). Given that teacher skill and relationship between student and teacher are established as influential factors on learning outcomes [33], some argue that expecting teachers to enforce school uniform rules detracts from teaching, learning, and good relationships [30, 37], notwithstanding the classroom management benefits of uniform-wearing described by Baumann and Kriskova [21]. However, there is no agreement about what rights of children exactly should be protected, and many wider concerns about children are projected onto uniform [89]. To ensure that BCS' Note this study examines the breadth of evidence for uniform wearing. Likewise, Simmons-Zuilkowski [105] found that in South Africa enrollment rates among the very poor are lower because of cost of uniforms. Thu Jun 23 01:14 PM Class of 2023 Important Dates Seniors, please see the flyer for information regarding senior fees, cap and gowns, and mandatory meetings. Available from: Radio New Zealand (2019). 3(1):5163. Public School Uniforms. 124. doi:10.1177/1090198117741943, 55. Available from: A public health lens helps to shed light on uniforms, and their impact on health and education. J Jpn Res Assoc Text End-Uses (2000). Do School Uniforms Lead to Uniform Minds? Yet uniform use has real impacts on health and education, for better and for worse. Deane [117] argues that justifications for uniform based on equity are not well considered because the mere wearing of uniform does not create equity, and does not magic away other differences [117]. Happell [87] notes that in the United States uniform visually demarcates students and is associated with private education, improving the wider school environment [35], or maintaining the impression of strictness and safety [22]. 105. The literature that addresses these questions can be divided into three groups. Man Utd continue to set the standard at youth level and have been working hard to ensure that remains the same. Finally, as with other areas of inquiry, philosophical pieces or commentaries often argue against the status quo rather than defend it. Davies, E. Cost of School Uniform. Theoretically, uniforms should not impinge on religious freedom. Department of Public Health, Wellington School of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand. Gasson, NR, Pratt, K, Smith, JK, and Calder, JE. Gentile, E, and Imberman, SA. 17(10):101924. Prolonged UV exposure results in skin damage and over the long term increased rates of moles and skin cancers across the population. 123. BLOUNT COUNTY SCHOOLS 2020-2021 STUDENT HANDBOOK BLOUNT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 204 Second Avenue East Post Office Box 578 Oneonta, Alabama 35121 (205) 775-1950 Post Office Box 204 ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION Rodney P. Green Superintendent Christopher D. Lakey Assistant Superintendent Bridgette Murphree Elementary Curriculum Coordinator 58. FIGURE 1. [Internet]. Hesse is a federal state in west-central Germany that is bordered by the states of Lower Saxony, Thuringia, Bavaria, Baden-Wrttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia.. Hesse in numbers. Sitienei, EC, and Pillay, J. Psychosocial Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in a Community-Based Organization in Kericho, Kenya. Lowson, G. The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms [Internet]. However, this rationale ignores wider societal power structures, and that uniform wearing may be mainly instrumental to another goal. This situation begs questions as to availability of evidence for school uniform use, its effects on educational or health outcomes, and the underlying rationales for school uniform use. Novel Tools for the Surveillance and Control of Dengue: Findings by the dengueTools Research Consortium. Norrish, H, Farringdon, F, Bulsara, M, and Hands, B. 31. Br J Educ Stud (1997). 23(2):22550. She recently graduated from Symbiosis International University with a degree in B.B.A. The public health frame of analysis brings together and organizes data from different disciplines to illuminate questions that are important to population health, illustrating proximate factors and distal factors to individual experiences. However, Davies and other data (e.g., Gasson et al., Naven et al., Catherine and Mugalavai, Simmons-Zuilkowski) suggest the large initial upfront cost is a barrier for poorer families. The cost of uniforms can affect students rights to access education. Brunsma, D, and Rockquemore, K. Statistics, Sound Bites, and School Uniforms: A Reply to Bodine. Yet Gage et al. Likewise, Watson et al. Meadmore, D, and Symes, C. Keeping up Appearances: Uniform Policy for School Diversity? Surveying parents and educators attitudes to uniforms, for both groups Davies found uniforms were considered worthwhile because they are a long-term investment: generally long-lasting, infrequently replaced, and cheaper over the students career than non-uniform alternatives. 18(1):18. The only information found on uniform policy and garment safety did not relate to garments but accessories (not uniform proper). Uniforms positive, neutral, and negative impacts on education and health outcomes. Mujiburrahman, MS, and Muluk, S. School Culture Transformation post Islamic Law Implementation in Aceh. Radio New Zealand (2017). Trials [Internet], 13 (2012). Further, public health sees education and health as mutually reinforcing and intrinsically linked. 104. In this review no evidence was found of any of the above restrictions caused by boys uniform. Wilken, I, and van Aardt, A. [Internet]. [Internet]. [Internet]. [Internet]. Australian authors have hypothesized that certain types of school uniform historically represented respectability and happiness and promoted social integration. Some socio-political rationales are explicit and are part of clear public policy measures to shape society. This study uses a public health lens to review evidence about the impacts of wearing a school uniform on students' health and educational outcomes. Fashion Pract (2019). Gereluk [72] argues for reasonable accommodation and mechanisms to redress potential unequal treatment of minorities. Children need thinking time to become their moral selves. Non-inclusive uniform policy relies upon the idea that clothing is an essential element of gender identity and that any fluidity or flexibility in dress rules risks undermining individual and collective gender identity. Synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement & md5=cf984782053eb2225fafbf784025c912 doi:10.1007/s40841-016-0046-z, 116 Section! To garments but accessories ( not uniform proper ) promoted social integration and School Uniforms Simmons-Zuilkowski [ ]... I, and Pillay, J. Psychosocial Support for Orphans and Vulnerable children in a Community-Based Organization Kericho. A Comparative History of School uniform historically represented respectability and happiness and promoted integration... ] ( 2014 ) E. Bans on the rights of the above elements contribute to wider social settings that or! 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