profiling (2019) Young consumers motivational drivers of brand engagement behavior on social media sites, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 13(3), pp. Moreover, some social media platforms, for example, YouTube, included the necessity to disclose sponsorship as part of their user agreement. Although still controversial, this provides a direct neurological link to understanding social cognition.[24]. For instance, small and medium businesses should use micro-influencers. While observation of the environment or contexts contributes largely to learning, social cognitive theory postulates that individuals ultimately serve as agents of successful acquisition of behaviors. Our model can also explain why influencer campaigns either "go viral" or "go bust," and how for niche products, micro-influencers with consistent content quality can be a valuable marketing tool. 7-29. 1-21. Miltgen, Cases and Russel (2019) studied the response of consumers to advertisements on Facebook. 0000007828 00000 n 0000159405 00000 n Influencer marketing has become exceptionally popular among brands in different industries, and it is essential to determine what are the benefits of it. 808 certified writers online. Researchers should focus on developing a theoretical framework that cohesively explains how advertising campaigns can engage in influencer marketing for better results. This may be seen as an early form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. 77-101. H\@FyZv/$UV \ctc1.|9bp:)wom3gvq0x9_*}<6m[S7wu*$n!&5>,>&}k&3aoe. 0000006638 00000 n Examples of success include Nokias campaign in Finland, while unsuccessful influencer marketing is Dr Pepper Raging Cow campaigns (Hughes, Swaminathan and Brooks, 2019). 0000011804 00000 n prezi Xiao, Y. and Watson, M. (2019) Guidance on conducting a systematic literature review, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 39(1), pp. The basic predictive equation is: Although the equation is essentially conceptual, it is possible to enter numerical values if one is conducting an experiment. The authors distinguish between ordinary celebrities and well-known celebrities, both can also be influencers on social media, but their engagement with consumers differs. Al-Emadi, F. A. and Yahia, I. Influencer marketing leverages network effects by allowing consumers to socially learn from each other about their experienced content utility, but consumers may not know whether to attribute promotional post popularity to high content or high product quality. The relevance of the TPB model is in the notion that thoughts and perceptions affect peoples emotions and subsequent actions. Based on SAM, people tend to prefer to be around those who are similar to them (Argyris et al., 2020). In terms of academic research, there are many factors in the influencer-follower model that require further clarification. Some researchers focused on the way that consumers reason their purchasing decisions. This study examined what strategies have made influencer marketing such a successful public relations tool and how the use of social media has allowed brands and consumers to Influencer Marketing and Applicable Theories. 0000184083 00000 n Pixel perfect. Although these individuals have a relatively small following, the trust and engagement with their content are usually higher when compared to mega influencers. Social learning is a theory of learning process social behavior which proposes that new behaviors can be acquired by observing and imitating others. For example, social learning theory suggests that a child could acquire a fear of snakes by observing a family member express fear in response to snakes. Behavioural control theory suggests that if a person has a positive attitude towards some behaviour, they are more likely to execute it. Social cognitive theory emphasizes the learning that occurs within a social context. Hence they usually do not have management and other personnel or familiarity with traditional advertising methods. _Lca4g6j,:7gGM//Y[`bm,]qkh,M-e:;'2N_lpCC'kj^;Bgl#mK/,N_S/ ^e-Y/Q 103-124. In essence, influencers can be categorised as a source of information for individuals, somewhere between opinion leaders and celebrities. Social Learning Theory Description * * The full technique overview will be available soon. 4th edn. Subjective norms are the buyers perception of social pressure. 0000016660 00000 n Generalized expectancies become increasingly stable as we accumulate experience, eventually taking on a trait-like consistency. The authors studied the level of influence for various product categories like beauty, lifestyle, electronics, [34] Sabido's method has been used worldwide to address social issues such as national literacy, population growth and health concerns such as HIV. This essay on Influencer Marketing and Applicable Theories was written and submitted by your fellow This lack of access to information encouraged individuals to use the opinions of others, people they could view as a source of information for a purchasing decision. Some of the limitations are that a changes in the environment does not automatically mean that a person changes too. As Kapitan and Silvera (2016) state, influencer marketing is a continuation of celebrity endorsements that were popular in the past brands continue sending their products to celebrities, but in a digital space. correlations deviations 0000006891 00000 n Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Influencer Marketing and Applicable Theories, The Concept and Role of Market Positioning in Companies, Neiman Marcus & Wal-Mart Companies' Target Markets, Marketing Activities and Brand Communication, Entrepreneurial Conversation and Its Strategies, 12 Elements of the Emotional Intelligence, "Achieving Performance Excellence" by Mark Blazey, Organizational and Household Decision Making, Seniors Financial Vulnerability in Healthcare, International Competitiveness of Small and SME in China, Marketing. As explained by Ki and Kim (2019), in the context of consumption, this means that an individual changes their purchasing patterns for clothing and other items to the ones of their favourite influencers. It suggests that marketers should be concerned with how to present their brands through influencers on different social media platforms, and researchers should continue developing and testing theoretical frameworks for this advertisement means since it is apparent that influencer marketing will continue to be an essential aspect of advertisement in the nearest future. The aspect of consumer decision-making is especially interesting since according to the Similarity-Attraction Model suggests that people are attracted to others who are similar to them. Hence, a suggestion for practitioners is to approach influencer marketing with caution and use sales figures and other metrics to ensure that the campaign is reaching the expected results. This means that the authorities recognise the impact that influencers have on the population. Modeling and underlying cognitive processes, Social learning algorithm for computer optimization, Qiqi Jiang; Chuan-Hoo Tan; Choon Ling Sia; Kwok-Kee Wei / Followership in an Open-source Software Project and Its Significance in Code Reuse In: MIS Quarterly, Vol. 0000050483 00000 n Maters Thesis. Social media transactions are a result of peoples desire to minimise costs and efforts. [32] Entertainment education is symbolic modeling and has a formula with three sets of characters with the cultural value that is to be examined is determined ahead of time: Within this formula there are at least three doubters that represent the demographic group within the target population. [32] Positive social behaviors are reinforced with rewards and negative social behaviors are reinforced with punishment. By emulating human learning behaviors, it is possible to arrive at more effective optimizers than existing swarm intelligence algorithms. It refers to the individual's perception of belonging to certain social groups and the associated emotional and value significance of this group membership ( Hogg et al., 1995; Tajfel, 1972 ). theory social learning cognitive behavior factors environment personal influence three constant exists acknowledges interaction individual both between his her and the extent to which those other outcomes are themselves valued.[8]. Available at SSRN: If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U.S. Eastern, Monday - Friday. 0000007219 00000 n Moreover, as the theme of influencer marketing has been gaining more attention from practitioners and academics, there are many published articles and books that disclose this topic. 6891. We compare influencer marketing to targeted advertising from information aggregation and product awareness perspectives. Hence, people take their recommendations seriously. Social media marketing is a sure-fire way for your brand to succeed. Cognition, environment, and behavior all mutually influence each other (, Characters that support a value (positive role models), Characters who reject the value (negative role models), Characters who have doubts about the value (undecided), This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 02:30. (2020) Diffusing fashion information by social media fashion influencers: understanding antecedents and consequences, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 24(2), pp. "Influencer Marketing and Applicable Theories." The SAM implies that shared interests and opinions result in affiliations between individuals (Argyris et al., 2020). For example, the research on TPB and TRA is based on a literature review and does not have empirical results to support the findings. 9. This report was a challenge for me since influencer marketing is a new domain of marketing. Bandura's theory goes beyond the perception of learning being the result of direct experience with the environment. 265275. Social Influence We are influenced strongly by others based on how we perceive our relationship to the influencer. To learn more, visit The theory was founded most prominently by Albert Bandura, who is also known for his work on observational learning, self-efficacy, and reciprocal determinism. Word of mouth (WOM) marketing developed simultaneously with the increasing popularity of social media since people aimed to share their reviews and opinions about the things they bought, and others were willing to read these messages (Johansen and Guldvik, 2017). This report will examine the basics of influencer marketing, how it emerged and developed and highlight the recent research on this topic. Zhang, Y., Moe, W. and Schweidel, D. (2017) Modeling the role of message content and influencers in social media rebroadcasting, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), pp. [1], In the 1941s, B. F. Skinner delivered a series of lectures on verbal behavior, putting forth a more empirical approach to the subject than existed in psychology at the time. For example, a person's generalized expectancy for success in sports will have less influence on their actions in a sport with which they have long experience. 4. When the primate witnessed another individual cracking nuts with a hammer, the mirror neuron systems became activated as the primate learned to use the hammer to crack nuts. Florenthal, B. Bergkvist, L., and Zhou, K. Q. Therefore, there is a difference in terms of the benefits that micro and mega influencers bring to the brand. ), Handbook of Marketing and Society, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. The Dante Sellers Tidbits: On social media trends, success factors, and professional development. Webresearch on Social Learning Theory and Social Media Technology, focusing on how the application of social media in the classroom might be used to stimulate attention, memory, and motivation as each relates to the acquisition of knowledge. 100-119. TPB suggest that there are three key factors that determine the likelihood of a purchase attitude, subjective norms and behavioural control (Chetioui, Benlafqih and Lebdaoui, 2020, p. 3). The activation of the mirror neuron system is thought to be critical for the understanding of goal directed behaviors and understanding their intention. (2019) Instafamous credibility and self-presentation of micro-celebrities on social media, Information, Communication & Society, 22(10), pp. WebDefinition. In the United States, for instance, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a governmental institution enforcing these regulations (Association of National Advertisers, 2018). When a particular behavior is rewarded regularly, it will most likely persist; conversely, if a particular behavior is constantly punished, it will most likely desist. According to this theory, if a person trusts in one entity, this perception can be trusted by another one as well. Entertainment-education in the form of a telenovela or soap opera can help viewers learn socially desired behaviors in a positive way from models portrayed in these programs. The main themes in the literature on influencer marketing are the history of how this phenomenon emerged. 0000010757 00000 n These two theories will be explored in more detail below. For example, advertisements may be irritating to a consumer and mitigate the willingness to purchase (Quelhas-Brito et al., 2020). This is important considering the variety of different niches since influenced followers interested in fashion and electronics may have different expectations and different engagement with the content. 0000008855 00000 n 93112. Psychologist Albert Bandura developed the social learning theory open_in_new as an alternative to the earlier work of fellow psychologist B.F. Skinner, known for his influence on behaviorism. Temperature-Sensitive Vending Machine, Sales Portfolio: A Bank Mortgage and Marketers, Business Marketing: Lost Accounts, Rock Cantino and Ron Wilson Cases, People look for recommendations from others, Consumer funnel and variability of influencers impact based on different conditions, Association of National Advertisers (2018), Different types of influencers based on size, Social media word of mouth (sWOM) and purchasing intention, Visual-Congruence-induced Social Influence (VCSI), Advertisers anticipate better consumer engagement with influencer marketing, Traditional ads no longer have a significant impact on potential buyers, 82% of Americans ask their friends and family for recommendations, Product from trusted and not trusted sources is perceived differently, There are notable examples of failed influencer marketing campaigns, Consumers are attracted to relatable influencers. Nurhandayani, A., Syarief, R. and Najib, M. (2019) The impact of social media influencer and brand images to purchase intention, Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 17(4), pp. However, I think that this report will contribute greatly to my future career since influencer marketing will continue to be an essential advertising channel for brands, while traditional advertising will continue losing its relevance. Chetioui, Y., Benlafqih, H. and Lebdaoui, H. (2020) How fashion influencers contribute to consumers purchase intention, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 1-20. WebCurriculum. Over the years, however, Bandura shifted to a more cognitive perspective, and this led to a major revision of the theory in 1977,[13]. Hence, academics should focus on further examining the discussed field and empirically providing that by using influencer marketing, firms can generate more profits from sales or the opposite. Hence, research reports that advertisers face the need to create a sense of word of mouth recommendations since those are more valuable to consumers. When we compare influencer marketing to untargeted ad campaigns or if the product has low quality uncertainty (e.g., belongs to an established brand), then many micro influencers with inconsistent content quality create more consumer awareness and yield higher profits. Many companies now choose influencer marketing as one of the key instruments in their advertisement strategies. The theory also seems to ignore biological and hormonal dispositions of people. The theory of Visual-Congruence-induced Social Influence (VCSI) should be discussed as the basis for understanding how an influencers content affects the followers decision-making. [18] Experimental evidence has shown that humans overimitate behavior compared to chimpanzees, lending credence to the idea that we have selected for methods of social learning. Instead, consumers base their decisions on the outcomes they think they will be able to achieve with a certain action, such as a purchase using a recommendation from an influencer. Literature reviews are a collection of articles on a single topic that allows systemising the evidence one can gain a better comprehension of the topic (Xiao and Watson, 2019). (2019) Consumers responses to Facebook Advertising across PCs and mobile phones, Journal of Advertising Research, 60(2), pp. These studies and reports use company records and insights. Below, we discuss the four cornerstones of the theory. These attitudes can be further divided into important and less important, and the former category will help predict the attraction better. This is important because many social reinforcers are what behaviorists term secondary reinforcers they have no intrinsic value, but have become linked with other, primary, reinforcers. Yale Attitude Change Approach Since the literature review contains approximately forty peer-reviewed articles, I had to use some time management techniques to be able to read the material, make notes, systemise it and write this report. 0000067679 00000 n In terms of research, it would be interesting to investigate if posts with hashtags ad and advertisement generate less engagement from viewers as opposed to regular posts. 0000011965 00000 n This page was processed by aws-apollo-l2 in 0.125 seconds, Using these links will ensure access to this page indefinitely. Analyze and understand how audiences and influencers align with each other according to ideas or requests that resonate, without feeling manipulated into doing something. For example, the value set on obtaining a high grade on an examination is dependent on how strongly that grade is linked (in the subjective belief system of the student) with other outcomes which might include parental praise, graduation with honors, offers of more prestigious jobs upon graduation, etc. Reinforcement value is defined as the individual's subjective preference for a given outcome, assuming that all possible outcomes were equally available. 0000159308 00000 n 0000139394 00000 n As was mentioned in the report, the majority of practitioners and brands already use Instagram advertisement as the main method of promoting their products. Synthesis of influencer marketing theories found in the literature. Bandura also argued that Miller and Dollard had essentially abandoned the hypothesis that imitation was an important form of learning based on the fact that the made little mention of it in their later book, Personality and Psychotherapy Dollard and Miller, 1950). and Hoy, M. G. (2019) #Sponsored #ad: agency perspective on influencer marketing campaigns, Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 40(3), pp. WebGiven the breadth of social cognitive theory and the interconnectedness among its concepts, it can often be difficult to distill into a simple explication. It has been used for solving continuous optimization, integer programming, and combinatorial optimization problems. The examined theories provide a framework for such education since students should understand not only how to interact with influencers but how the followers perceive this relationship. People follow influencers willingly and look through the content, unlike traditional advertising, where individuals see banners or ads on TV or websites. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Retrieved from Chetioui, Benlafqih and Lebdaoui (2020) state that among the factors that correlate with purchasing intention and brand perception, there are credibility, trust, behavioural control, expertise, perceived norms and congruence. The focus of the influencer marketing campaign is on the collaboration between an influencer and a marketing specialist of a brand, which differs from other advertising methods. Many research studies and meta-analyses have discovered significant correlations between viewing violent television and aggression later in life and many have not, as well as playing violent video games and aggressive behaviors. 765-782. Cookie Settings. The results of this research suggest that the impact of social media influencers on consumers purchasing intentions is not direct. Jin, S.V., Muqaddam, A. and Ryu, E. (2019) Instafamous and social media influencer marketing, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 37(5), pp. While he denied that there was any "instinct or faculty of imitation",[4] Skinner's behaviorist theories formed a basis for redevelopment into Social Learning Theory. 0000004785 00000 n "[27], For social learning theory, gender development has to do with the interactions of numerous social factors, involving all the interactions the individual encounters. Students will meet five main learning outcomes; 1.) However, Johansen and Guldvik (2017) note that there is a major difference between opinion leadership and influencer marketing since the latter targets a multimillion audience, while opinion leaders usually communicate with a few people. Influencer Marketing and Applicable Theories. [citation needed]. (2020) point out that visual congruence correlates with better engagement when reviewing influencers posts. Florenthal (2019) focused on an important matter why consumers actually choose to engage with influences and how this interaction impacts their decision making and applied two theories uses and gratification (U&G) and the technology acceptance model (TAM). Social learning is the future of marketing because its the only channel in which youll float. [11] Rotter's theory proposed that the likelihood of a behavior occurring was a function of the subjective expectancy and value of the reinforcement. (2019) Social mediaiInfluencer marketing and childrens food intake: a randomized trial, Pediatrics, 143(4), p. e20182554. The relationship between an influencer and their audience is based on trust. According to Johansen and Guldvik (2017), 14% of the respondents cannot recall the last advertisement they saw, which is consistent with the idea of consumer blindness to ads. cognitive Apart from better ROI, influencers leverage the psychological aspects of human communication the need to ask for advice, evidence or a recommendation from a trustworthy source (Trivedi and Sama, 2020; Onwuegbuzie and Frels, 2016; Magno and Cassia, 2018). Second, compared with the interaction and learning behaviors in animal groups, the social learning process of human beings exhibits a higher level of intelligence. Johansen and Guldvik (2017) argue that influencer marketing is a tool that brands use to drive their message to a larger market. Moreover, the empirical evidence collected shows the significant advantage that influencer marketing has before traditional marketing. [6] This was the first use of the term 'social learning', but Miller and Dollard did not consider their ideas to be separate from Hullian learning theory, only a possible refinement. 0000011965 00000 n this page was processed by aws-apollo-l2 in 0.125 seconds, Using these links ensure., Using these links will ensure access to this page indefinitely these attitudes can be trusted another. A tool that brands use to social learning theory influencer marketing their message to a larger market leaders... Et al., 2020 ) point out that visual congruence correlates with better engagement when reviewing posts. Not automatically mean that a person has a positive attitude towards some behaviour, they are more likely to it! Sellers Tidbits: on social media influencers on consumers purchasing intentions is not direct N_S/ ^e-Y/Q 103-124 and. Recognise the impact that influencers have on the way that consumers reason their purchasing.. 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Pamela Reed Henderson, Articles S