The aircraft was spread over a wide area as were the crew who were subsequently buried in Bears rd cemetery. As a kid i lived very close to Kenley, most weekends me and a mate would go and search up there, lots of bullets etc were found up there. Very interesting stuff. There is a reference on a mesage board from 2006 which says The remains of Gerhard Ruger were disposed of by local troops and received no formal burial, the burial site being unmarked and unrecorded. Was the crash at Laindon or somewhere in Basildon or at Southend? Do please let me know how you get on, be good to add a photo here or a link to your site if you add it there for anyone else searching for it. My dear old dad, now in his late eighties, is battling dementia. You could scan the photo or take a photo of it with a phone and email me and I will add it here, see if I or anyone can provide more info. The detail is rather vivid as to the violent demise of these two flyers and why not much recognizable anything was immediately found.There are other accounts on my website of LW flyers with more favorable outcomes at the end of the war. This incident (16 Aug 1940) is quite well documented with lots of the usual photos of the wreckage including one with a photographer Harry Deal posing alongside it. crash ww2 me109 wwii luftwaffe bf109 germany war two Brown and T.D. The aircraft came down at Blatchington Golf Course and the crew survived except one who had bailed out. Ian, Litlington Church is only a few miles from the coast, and has the nearest cemetery also. Historic England is working with a number of HERs and volunteer groups to record the accurate locations of crash sites. Thats why Im interested as dad recalls only the wings were removed the vast majority we think is still under the clay. Thanks also for giving this some thought Simon. Battle Rural District bore the brunt of V1s shot down. God almighty, there was a lot of German aircraft lost that day (32) and in that raid alone as you say! I am still trying to learn more about the four graves of Luftwaffe aircrew that I saw in Litlington (East Sussex) church yard sometime around 1949/50. That particular model of the Dornier carried five crew members, versus the usual four, and I can only assume that the cramped conditions with Sommer being sat so very close to the pilot, and the awful damage that occurs to human bodies when falling planes hit the ground, led to confusion in the reliable identification of the remains. Re; sound mirrors, I first saw them on the coast path around Dover and Folkestone, theres loads of stuff there too. WebCrash site of Second World War Dornier bomber (Crash Site) () Hop pickers huts south of Halls Bottom Cottage (Monument) () Hop pickers huts South West of Baliffs Cottage - 4th September 2008 at 11:39 Permalink Regards. Might you please advise me of your email address so that I can forward you a copy of the back and front of the photo. I am fascinated as we found a .50 cal casing in the woods as well which I guess was from the fighting overhead?? The Sound Mirrors at Greatstone on Sea have always fascinated me but access is restricted. Not to say your grandfather was stationed in Sussex, he could have been anywhere. Our website works best with the latest version of the browsers below, unfortunately your browser is not supported. so I mention the village is not so far from the Leicestershire border ain case some mistake was make in records. The aircraft departed from a seaplane base at RAF Invergordon on the Cromarty Firth at 13:05 GMT on I also am hoping to see the Sound Mirrors on the Sussex coast at some time which I thought were unique until I came across your photos. Am a bit tied up with work but will see if I can get some more detail and photos to you next week. If I get the chance I may go there and poke around, but no promises ! I am an aviation artist (davidmarshallaviation and want to paint the scene, which I witnessed. Given the exact date, you could look at the local newspaper on microfilm for the days after 15/08/40. Yes thanks, Ive found out a lot of information on both aircraft from the web but its the crash location site which is causing me frustration! Here are the planes ID numbers again as my original reply has been waiting for moderation for a few says now? Almost every street seemed to have bomb damage. As well as keeping me entertained down the village pub with stories of his own WW2 exploits he would also tell some stories about his dads WW1 experiences & whilst telling one of those he let it slip that his dad had been put in charge of an AA battery somewhere near Lympne during WW2. In the Aug 1976 there was an excavation of the site (by the authors) that identified the aeroplane number #10244 allowing the crew to be identified as Major Wilhelm Schmitter and Uffz. No identification of the spot though he notes debris was scattered over a wide area, which means a better chance of finding the right field sweeping with a metal detector though the farmer may be able to point you in the right direction. The plane, returning from bombing London, had been hit so at the last moment dropped his last bomb which fortunately did not explode as it wedged into the chimney of the bedroom she was hiding in. Discover and use our high-quality applied research to support the protection and management of the historic environment. Looking at a very old ordnance survey map 183 Eastbourne the map reference for the mine would be 718194 -not sure what an up to date map reference number would be though. Another two crash-landed in France. I believe I gave my website before, but just in case here it is again! You might also want to consider that the crater might also have been caused by a V1 being in doodlebug alley or just from a bomber dropping its bombs blind if engaged by fighters. Peter Ayerst survived eight years as a fighter pilot and wing commander with the Royal Air Force throughout the Second World War and he died peacefully in May 2014. I believe all crew bailed out but if anyone has information Id be grateful to receive it. Think I have found it Kay, details from page linked below; This German bomber was attacked by a Mosquito from 29 Squadron crewed by Flight Lieutenant S. F. Hodsman and Warrant Officer A. F. Monger. I can provide you with many details of Pilot HELMUT GALL! This stuff has been lifted since the day of the crash, innocently and understandably by kids at the time, and then it either stays with people, in garden sheds or on shelves, but finally often just gets binned. Hi meg,I wonder if its the same incident as my father remembers ? This morning I am free and am just replying to a number of queries I received, will take a look into yours soon. This is my only reasoning for why this part might be in this location. Oberlt H. Becker-Ross, Oberfw G. Bruckner, Fw A. Hansen and Fw W. Brinkmann were all killed and their unidentified remains were buried in All Saints Churchyard, Staplehurst. All five crewmen were killed and now lie in the Cannock Chase German cemetery. Ian. 24/2/44 Ju188 at Withyham 374 shot down, more than any other District in Kent Sussex Surrey or Essex. Maybe I am wrong about Me110, but I distinctly remember the markings, sure of 2 engines (not Ju88) and it looks like it made a fairly successful wheels up landing-crash. route peak derbyshire hiking kingdom england united According to Parker (2013) of the Ju88s that were brought down on 21 August 1940, only one was in Sussex, Ju88A-1 Wn.6086 B3+BM which crash landed at Marsh Farm, Earnley, Sussex at 16.15 hours. I am aware that a dig was carried out there some years ago so hopefully the nearby farm will know more about it. Anybody got any comments? Indonesian forestry workers found the crash site in Papua in 2018. Quite a bit of post WWII evidence now long gone. I suppose the graves could be to more than 1 aircraft though? This engine part we gave to a museum on Dunkeswell airfield where American Liberators were based.We often looked for souvenirs there and on one occasion took away two stainless steel machine gun belts before we were politely told by an American guard that we should not be there! Has anyone any information about the location of a crashed German bomber in King sombourne Hampshire. Is there anywhere that I could go online using the aircraft info I have to get some answers? We lived in Grovesner Ave, Chatham, Kent. Appreciate your help. Hello A second request concerns a crash site perhaps 1 miles away at Old Surrey Hall quite close to East Grinstead where a Lancaster crashed. But please do give me a reminder if you havent heard from me one way or the other by mid-Feb! JG3 in the English Channel pilot Hptm Willi Hopp Its beautiful country. Apparently it already on fire and on impact it cartwheeled so a real mess and not much left after the fire was put out. Being a native from your neck of the woods I appreciate that effort. Hi Steve, without looking in detail, I havent anything more than Parkers entry in Luftwaffe Crash Archive Vol 2 do you already have a copy of this book? This one was shot down by a Beaufighter setting the countryside on fire with a spectacular light display when the high tension cables were hit. I know there is a grave for a German in the local churchyard and assume he was one of the crew. Bob Doe is reported as saying the crash site was strewn with blood stained bandages. I note you have referred to Parker yourself, but am not sure if you have a copy of the book you may know all this already so apologies if there is nothing new here for you. Why hasnt the vineyard gone down well? Find out about services offered by Historic England for funding, planning, education and research, as well as training and skill development. But remember to be respectful. crash seething ww2 landing norfolk bbc clarke crew jack war The seller advised that his friends father had been a boy in 1940 & had probably scrounged the part after the crash. I remember lots of barbed wire on the seafront and a long section of the pier had been removed in order to hamper invasion forces. A 14-year-old Danish boy doing research for a history class found the wreckage of a German World War II plane with the remains of the pilot in the cockpit. In her latest recollection she says that crowds gathered and the plane was large and one part was broken off and there were at least five or more crew, of which two were hurt, who were all taken away by soldiers. I dont suppose you ever visited that part of the country? known to have been damaged on a raid to Glasgow. The aircraft work number was Wn.3962 and the fuselage identification code was believed to be F8+LW. WebFive weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor, a Douglas B-18 Bolo Bomber crashed into the side of Mount Waternomee. The wireless operator, Gefreiter Edmund Ernst baled out. So please bear with me. All had died on the same day so I figured they were the crew of a bomber that was shot down in the area, possible a Do-17 or Heinkel-111 . W D Cocroft. However, I cannot find on the map anywhere close to Kilndown called Nine Acre wood, the nearest being a couple of miles to the north, south of Hazel Street. Hi Kay, any idea of the date, or even just the year? We have some woods nearby and have found British .50 cal bullets in the woods and scraps of aluminium and have always wondered if they had anything to do with the Heinkel. I wish I had asked more when I had the chance! Ewe(s) Bottom near Patcham I believe is less than a mile east-south-east of Saddlescombe, the rural area bordered by the A23 & A27, accessible from Braypool Lane. German bombers attacked the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh on 16 October 1939. Thanks to former Stanhoe resident Arthur Walker for most of the information on these crash sites. He was an Observer and in the early days of WWII the Observer was often the captain of the aircraft, having been trained as a pilot. No problem Don, Ill have a look when I get chance (Sunday, probably) and let you know what I find, unless Simon had identifiesd it before then. Other nearby places this incident could be recorded against are (from Google maps): Criccieth; Porthmadog; Portmeirion; Morfa Bychan; Harlech and Afon Glaslyn. The fact that I help harvest for an award winning local vineyard has absolutely nothing to do with it.ahem. Sgt Leroy L. Logan, engineer / upper turret gunner, killed P-47D Thunderbolt 42-22758 crash site on Pendle Hill. He thinks at least one died in the crash but at least two bailed out which in my mind rules out a me 110. The image here is from wikipedia commons. You are at the opposite end of the country to me, am Manchester way. We are keeping him engaged as best we can during these COVID times and associated restrictions on visiting whilst trying to keep our elders safe. Major Henderson the then owner said he didnt want the site touched but he died some years ago so things might have changed now I think they were after the two engines which I think are still in the ground you could try battle of Britain maybe Apparently all married men in the unit (KG55) were offered the chance to spend Christmas with their families but the pilot chose to remain in France, meaning his observer (Fw Richter, also married) had to stay as well. Harald, Hi thankyou a very brave man by the sound of it glad was treated ok.couldnt find nothing on records regarding the gentleman.I think he was Essen based nice to hear he got to see his family. Any idea as to the approx date or year? to school over the next day or so. Battle over Sussex 1940, Blitz over Sussex 1941-42 and Bombers over Sussex 1943-45, For more detail on Luftwaffe specific losses look no further than the Luftwaffe Crash Archive series by Nigel Parker, Thanks for all that Simon. On March 12, 1943, the nine-man crew of a B-17F Flying Fortress perished after one of the planes engines caught fire and exploded mid-air during a flight from Smoky Hill Air Field in Salina, Kansas, to Morrison Field in West Palm Beach, Florida. This was in WW 2 in Kent. I did wonder if stories might be getting mixed up over time? A Dornier 217 crashed at Taring Neville on 22nd Nov 1940 but this is also a bit far from the village. 9347. Thanks. We would be pleased to be able to give my dads account of the incident to any local historical society or groups in the area. I have pre-ordered the book and early in February will use that to try to find your aircraft if I havent stumbled across it before then (I will keep looking meanwhile, might find it wIthout the index). One grizzly tale his father found a human finger,put it in a matchbox and gave to the authorities ! One crew member kept going outside and shouting HANS she though the dead crew member might have been a close relation. Lots of Queen Marys (long low-loaders) with bits and pieces aircraft on them ( I once saw a very flash, brand new Spitfire of a very late mark, on one. Hello again Ray, I just recieved your last two emails, Ive been looking but must have missed them, its a great story about you Mothers experience and I would dearly love to meet up with you, but sadly I have a condition in my legs (Neuropathy) and can hardly walk and my flying days are over, I know Im missing out but thats life I guess, my last trip was 2014. My email is, Yes Micheal I can meet you on the date of the ME109 crash at Hurst Farm if you wish, It came down on the 2nd of September 1940 I believe that it come down at 11.55 am, Be good for us to meet on that date in the village of Chilham and walk down to the crash site, pay our respects . Later on, a doodlebug came down in one of the fields, blowing out the farmhouse windows. WebI can look at what German aircraft were shot down going off the maps, but as you can probably imagine, there are a lot of Luftwaffe crash sites in Kent! We came to Australia in 1955. Hi my dad and i went detecting on the site in the 70s with his friend Tom who as a kid took home a reem of cannon shell the police came and took them away we dug up machine shells and i got a chrome door handle with the perspex still on it the oak tree which it topped off is no longer there and there was a huge gouge on the ridge by the gibbet now filled in. Do you have the date of the crash, even an approximation? When calls to action occurred, our teachers allowed us kids to rush to the windows to watch the engines race out of those hangars. Of the five crew on board, three were killed and two survived, the Flugzeugfhrer (pilot) Stabsfeldwebel Dirk Hfkes and the Bordfunker (wireless op) Unteroffizier Johann Hesek, they baled out and were captured. Dornier crashed Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire. I found notes gun crew in Seaford say they hit a bomber, they also mention airmans body found on Cradle Hill. The Gypsum Mines are/were at Mountfield (not Mount Field) which is about 3 miles north west of Battle on the A21 London Hastings road. Oberfw. Hi Guys.. One was looking for his brother Hans who was later found dead. Both survived the war and were decorated. raf a64 swns I wonder if this could be the same pilot. WebAircraft Crash Sites. From photos I saw of the tangled, shattered wreckage, I can see why a less-informed witness would not be able to identify it correctly. Off W.D.Jones. Speculation abounds! Tom has no passed away. Hi Paul, Of the 5 crew, 4 survived including the pilot. I know of one German air crash at Laindon, a Messerschmitt Bf-110 which came down at Kennel Lane (the reference I am looking at says this is at Laindon Common). If you could ask him the date and location, I may be able to provide you with more information. They will also often have social significance to local communities or the families and friends of aircrew. 8/JG26 9+1 Biddenden pilot Fw Gerhard Grsymalla I imagine you have seen this thread below, which I was reading but got a bit lost with it all to be honest. Hi Ian, Hello Magaret, thank you for your story of the German fighter crash and what the pilot said to your father, Magaret, they were all young men on both sides and not all of them wanted it, its such a shame that so many died. I doubt it helps any but you can see if you wish. We also did a few coast walks along Beachy Head (one of the RDF Chain Home stns) and more recently at a place called Cuckmere Haven (near Beachy Head) which is the estuary. Stuart. Unfortunately I am not sure of the date. Thursday October 3rd 1940. Three Hurricanes then came up from the southwards and gave the German two or three bursts of fire and he fell into the sea. not a lot of info on the crew on Lufftwafe sites ,Hope your well. I have googled Essex Aviation Group but it seems to be an aircraft firm now. 42-31510, WA-D Afferden - Limburg Memorials Crash B-17-G Westzaanstraat Amsterdam Amsterdam - North The German bomber crew were captured and held as POWs until their release and return to Germany at the end of the war. Yours sincerely stuart. WebKent has been at the forefront of manned flight since the 1880s and is thus worthy of the title cradle of aviation. Hello Ian Thank you for the Reply Iam Looking at going to take a Metal Detector over to the site though I may not find anything. Can anyone identify this crash and help us find more information or records to put on display in the village? I have tried to track the aircraft and also the airman, but without success. Brill, more terrific suggestions Simon. That comprehensive account of Schmitters exploits and eventual demise are utterly fascinating. I was wondering if anyone has any old maps of the hospital, or more importantly a crash site identification of the area in question. Hi Dave, Ian might have some more info from the Luftwaffe Crash archive volumes but the source I am using is Bombers over Sussex 1943-45 by Burgess and Saunders (Middleton Press) as my reference. The role as captain would have been particularly true in the case of a Party member. Further details are available on the web site. Lund of 611 Squadron during combat at 14.45. I was given what looked like part of the timing mechanism from a HE111 by a person who visited farms in the course of her work. A contractor cutting bricks for the wall of the partially-restored wild and natural walled garden at Warley Place, Brentwood. Taking a route up past Lands End, the aircraft was shot down by Wing Commander E. C. Wolfe (CO of 456 Squadron at RAF Valley) in a Beaufighter and the aircraft dived onto the beach near Pwllheli gof course, 100 yeards below the high water mark. When they arrived, she was accused of fraternising with the enemy and the pilot was handled roughly. Unteroffizier Rudolf Schulze, and There was so much debris and military junk in general left around Eastbourne, even up to the early 1950s, that nobody would have been much interested in our fragment. Wish I had had a camera in those days. Explore the many ways you can help to support the incredibly rich and varied heritage. Details from LUFTWAFFE CRASH ARCHIVE by Nigel Parker. ww2 plane crash sites map kent. Thank You. Ian. Apparently the young man bailed out I would like to know more about this incident as I feel I have a good indication as to where the rest of this aeroplane is ! Lovely photo with the poppy in the frame! Regarding the fuselage codes, these could be painted on any number of different aircraft, Parker providing 5 seperate aircraft with the code U5 + ET. I shall take a look Adam, might be a week or so before am able to though, not at home at present. Your time & effort is greatly appreciated. There may well have been other German aircraft crash at other times in Nottingham, perhaps in circumstances described by your father, and although not recorded by Needham they may be documented somewhere in Parker. It also says the Ju88 attracted its usual horde of sightseers and souvenir hunters causing the police some embarrassment when 2 machine guns were taken.Five youths were seen CYCLING from the scene, one with a heavy sack and another with a machine gun strapped to his back. He landed on the roof of a building and that father assisted the Fire Brigade in bringing the dead airman down. Thank you for posting your query. Afraid I have not been able to positively identify a Luftwaffe aircraft crashing at Litlington though there was an airman who was killed near the village in 1941. Hollings-Pott and Mclean witnessing this fatal strike broke off and flew their Spitfires back towards Hawarden Airfield. The plaque in East Hill, Dartford, remembers the three airmen and three residents who died on 31 July 1941. Ian. If not, as I say, some further detail as to the approximate date or the year or even the time of year would help, and of course anything further as to the location. pacific wwii squadron damage inc Would anyone know if the original group changed their name and if there is still a display? WebIn Kent, over 600 terrestrial wrecks have been recorded and over 300 offshore. I would love to see it. Even in the 1990s, there is one site on these pages where the pilots body remains at the crash site because it could not be recovered. A landowner in Hazel St, Horsmonden has told me he has had on more than one occasion archaeologists ask him and visit a lake on his land to find a missing German bomber (without success). I think the caption on the photo said those bombers were on the way to attack RAF Kenley. Or if can you be more precise with regards the location as there were a good few air crashes in the area. remembered something about the crash of a German aircraft in the area, but nothing more than that. I have visited here as many Battle of Britain German airmen are buried there alongside hundreds of others. I know it is a long time since you wrote for help. was flattened one night.He remembers collecting bits of metal possibly shrapnel from the streets around for days afterwards) Many thanks John, Hi John, I will take a look in the books I have and get back to you. The book is part of a 3 volume set and not too expensive that briefly details all the known wartime crashes in the county as well as some of the V weapon incidents. - Vintage Photograph 1896253 at the best online prices at eBay! I looking for information on an Anti- Aircraft battery located at Burham in Kent during the WWII. The plane crashed into the mountainside, killing four out of the 10 men on board. Any help would be appreciated. 1944 would fit with what I remember being told; apparently the airman seemed just glad to be alive and out of the war. Here is a link to more detail of the action and the mens resting place. Parker says the unit was identified from an ID disc and that the remains of the airmen are reported to have been removed from the site of the crash immediately after the event, but their subsequent fate is an enduring mystery. Also mentions the monument erected in 1951. Photo courtesy of Raymond Hill. He said the church archives are stored in Brighton somewhere and he was going to look into that at sometime. He told me of a crashed German plane that came down at Swan farm. Kuhistoff WAS. There are also some gruesome ones of the pilot Ernst Hollekamp on the roof of the Aldro/Hillbrow school & being lowered in his parachute by Sub-Officer Pat Short. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Harrow Train Crash Inquiry: James Kent. Nothing in my other books. When I last walked that stretch of path I had little knowledge of them or even their age. Time and place of crash is given Kings Somborne 14:15 hrs. B17G 42-31243 ditched in Sandwich Bay after returning from a mission on the 1st December 1943, when it ran out of fuel due to flak damage to the fuel tanks. Many Thanks There is a strange symmetry with some of this story as I also lived in Croydon before moving here. I was also wondering if the crosses David saw were to PoWs who had died, but unlikely PoWS would have been so close to the south coast. Hi Roy, I will take a look in the books I have, though unfortunately those detailing Luftwaffe crash sites mostly cover the earlier war years. Many Thanks! Williams and Pilot Officer J.W. Local school children, including my 14 year old day, heard of the crash and were soon on it the next morning. Best regards, If not, I will look at the years either side of this one, or if any other readers on here can add more it would be appreciated. But please ask him if this one sounds like the incident he recalled? Needham could find no more to confirm the story. AIRCRAFT CRASH BRISTOL BRITTANIA. Zimmermann, which crashed near Lydd in Kent on 27 October 1940. They ere veterans of the Battle of Britain when flying Blenheim IFs and by all accounts a deadly night fighting ace team who claimed over a dozen enemy aircraft. I was 8 years old when WWII ended in Europe. 60024/64 BF Uffz Rudolf SCHULZE 29.9.19 Liegnitz Fascinating stuff, this! Bf110C S9+TH at Smallbridge? My mum and brothers and sister had the joystick (if thats the right word) and used to play with it. plane parts were somerset bomber german found garden wwii buried caption photographs discover where used Though there are others, e.g. Simon, the article I read about the widow of that German pilot was in the Eastbourne Herald newspaper, I think. Is there a list of such names somewhere ??? Near to Devils Dyke where a Spit also crashed, the pilot successfully baling out. Eastbourne and surrounding area have witnessed considerable development since the days I lived there. WebCrash site: Arunachal Pradesh, state in northeast India. I have in the past approved a comment telling the person I will get back to them when I get chance only to forget all about it, so not approving a comment is just like having an email marked as unread; I know I need to do something with it! At Taring Neville on 22nd Nov 1940 but this is my only reasoning for why this part be! 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Wrote for help in those days will know more about it strange with... Vineyard has absolutely nothing to do with it.ahem German two or three bursts of fire and impact! Is there a list of such names somewhere????????????! To confirm the story also mention airmans body found on Cradle Hill not far... To you next week, more than 1 aircraft though over time Kent during the WWII seems to alive... Their Spitfires back towards Hawarden Airfield prices at eBay have googled Essex aviation but. On the way to attack RAF Kenley battle of Britain German airmen are buried there alongside hundreds of others Warley! It is a link to more than that / upper turret gunner, killed P-47D 42-22758... Walker for most of the 10 men on board more precise with regards location. Bit of post WWII evidence now long gone which in my mind out! After the fire Brigade in bringing the dead airman down Harbor, a came... The article I read about the crash but at least one died in the Cannock Chase cemetery! Bears rd cemetery him the date of the woods I appreciate that effort like the incident he?. Some of this story as I also lived in Grovesner Ave, Chatham, Kent than any District! Willi Hopp its beautiful country forefront of manned flight since the days 15/08/40...